2007 Petite Sirah Old Vine, Contra Costa

We recently changed shipping houses and during the move we unearthed some Trinitas treasure! We discovered that we stashed away more of our 2007 Petite Sirah than we realized, 120 bottles extra to be exact. Not only is this one of our most age-worthy wines (given the varietal's natural high tannin level), but 2007 is also one of the very best vintages for Northern California, this side of the millennia. Given how much you all loved the 2010 Meritage offer we sent out last week, we figured why not offer these remaining 120 bottles to our loyal customers. So here is your chance to buy, what likely is, some of the very last bottles of our 2007 Petite Sirah in existence. As we think it is safe to assume those that purchased this on release couldn't resist opening them by now!